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Curriculum Vitae



2012-2015: PhD at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen


Thesis title: "Mobility in Family Networks - travel behaviour and contact in families"

Supervisors: prof. Clara H. Mulder and prof. Luca Bertolini


2009-2011: Research MSc. in Social Sciences/Human Geography, University of Amsterdam


Thesis title: "Open-air markets in Amsterdam at times of urban restructuring” 

Supervisor: dr. Olga Sezneva


2006-2009: MA in Economics at the Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University


Thesis title: “The effect of expanding high school supply on socio-economic outcomes of Israeli Palestinian women”

Supervisor: dr. Analia Schlosser 


2003-2006: BA (cum laude) in Economics and Political Science, Tel Aviv University


2005-2006: Exchange semester, University of Konstanz


Academic work experience


Since 2023: Lecturer, University of Amsterdam


2021-2023: Lecturer, Wageningen University & Research


2017-2021: Postdoc researcher, University of Amsterdam


2016-2018: Researcher, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency


2010-2011: Research assistant of prof. Wouter Vanstiphout, Urbanism, Delft University of Technology


2010: Research assistant of prof. Sako Musterd, Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam


2009: Research assistant of prof. Eran Yashiv, Department of Public Policy, Tel Aviv University


2005: Teaching assistant, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University


Non-academic work experience


2007-2009: Product manager, Tufin Technologies 


2004-2007: QA engineer, Tufin Technologies


2001-2002: QA engineer, Check Point Software Technologies


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